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Omega ’53 Issue Strap? Inquiry from the Mail Bag

Matt P. wrote:

Hi. I was given by my dad a 1953 Omega Military watch but trying to find an original Omega Nato strap is near impossible!! Can you help at all please? Matt

Omega '53 "Fat Arrow" CK 2777.  Photo:

Omega '53 "Fat Arrow" CK 2777. Photo:

Well, Matt, congratulations on getting such a great watch with family provencance, but it’s not really near impossible to “original Omega Nato strap” for a CK 2777 Omega ’53.  In fact, it’s completely impossible. You’re not going to find one because

  1. The Omega ’53 watches were delivered to the Ministry of Defence without straps or bracelets, so picking the “official” strap from Omega is essentially impossible.
  2. Omega has never made any G10/”NATO” type straps anyway, for the CK 2777 or any other model
  3. The Omega ’53 also predates the G10/NATO design by a few years, so such a design could not have been used at least in the beginning.

If I remember correctly, it’s generally believed that the issue straps for these were likely Bonklip “ladder” type steel bracelets, just as they were for the IWC and Jaeger-LeCoultre Mk. XI that preceded them in the flight navigation role.

I hope this answers your question, and I’d suggest you ask at the Military Watch Resource for more and better info.  There are a number of experts there who can likely provide better insight.  And as much as I admire them, I have yet to acquire an Omega ’53 so my advice should probably be considered inexpert at best.

Posted in Military Watches, Omega Watches, Straps.

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  1. Zaf says

    I think I agree there, that the most common bracelet would have been the Bonklip.

    I’ve always thought these look a little weird since they’re quite narrow for this particular watch, so it looks better with the G10/Nato.

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