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Special Air Service (SAS) Omega Seamaster Professional 2254.50!

Yeah, really!  I know,  holy shit!

This is one of the things that can really make blogging fun.  Now that the blog has gained a little bit of reach, occasionally things float to the surface and I learn things through the blog that might never have been discovered otherwise.

After reading the recent post about the Omega SBS Seamaster presently on eBay, a collector who wandered in contacted me with the pictures below and a question: “Could I have missed the boat on this one?  I get solicitations like this all the time, and since I’d never seen any before and there are so many fakes out there I just ignored it.  Did I screw up?

Omega SAS Special Air Service Communicator Seamaster Caseback

Omega SAS Special Air Service Communicator Seamaster Caseback

SAS Seamaster dial seems identical to the regular production model

SAS Seamaster dial seems identical to the regular production model


Posted in Military Watches, Omega Watches.

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SBS Omega GMT SE Spotted on eBay

I suppose it was just a matter of time, but an example of the UK Special Boat Service (SBS) Omega Seamaster Professional GMT Co-Axial has landed on eBay:

(Seller’s photos)

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Several readers have already contacted me regarding the listing, and yes, I’m fairly convinced both the seller and the watch are completely genuine. If it were a scam after all it’s managed to fool QP Magazine as well and has been some two years in the making, well beyond the attention span of most eBay fraudsters.  I have no other connection with the sale or seller however and am not positioned to verify any specific claims.


Posted in Military Watches, Omega Watches.

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Michael Phelps Suspended, Dropped by Kellogg’s

Kellogg's Corn Flakes box featuring Michael Phelps.  Photo Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News

Kellogg's Corn Flakes box featuring Michael Phelps. Photo Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News

Funniest thing I’ve seen in the forums in a while, from a WUS commenter:  “Michael Phelps for OMEGA: Cause its always 4:20 somewhere.”

In other news, it seems not all of Phelps’ sponsors have been as understanding as Omega regarding the previously reported incident in which Olympic gold medalist swimmer and Omega Ambassador Michael Phelps was photographed allegedly smoking marijuana while wearing his custom-made Omega Speedmaster Broadarrow with diamond bezel and Mother-of-Pearl dial.

According to the New York Times, Phelps has been suspended from competitive swimming for three months by USA Swimming along with a suspension of his monthly $1750 supportive stipend.  Additionally, cereal maker Kellogg’s announced that it would not renew an endorsement agreement for an undisclosed amount with Phelps expiring at the end of February 2009.


Posted in Omega Watches.

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UPDATE: Analysis Confirms No Kevlar in Outstretechedhands “Kevlar”

WUS member “Energyarts” had the same reaction I did when he saw a friend’s Outstretchedhands/Divestraps Ted McSu “Kevlar” strap: “There’s just no way this thing is Kevlar or anything like it.  If you paid that much for it thinking you were getting Kelvar you got ripped off.

Energyarts also had access to analysis and testing facilities where he was actually able to positively confirm that there is no Kevlar content in the straps.  Here’s an excerpt from his accounting of the testing and results:

The strap is anything but Kevlar. It is nylon with a rubber coating. The strap was taken apart in several pieces, and compared under the microscope to an actual Kevlar hair line fiber. The Kevlar that was compared is *Kevlar 49* grade. Was no % of Kevlar found, then the pieces were burned using a lighter to set them on fire and the burning time was almost identical as far as burning speed goes and was followed immediately by a plastic smell which is Nylon.

The pieces of the strap were striped down taking the rubber coating off and set on fire. Not trying to start anything but fair is fair. *As far as I am concerned the above strap was not made of Kevlar*


Posted in Straps.

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So Just What Do You Have to Do to Upset a Corporate Sponsor Anyway?

Photo from News of the World.  Agree with the sentiment, though.

Photo from News of the World. Agree with the sentiment, though.

Wow.  Apparently having someone you’re paying millions of dollars to endorse your watches photographed smoking a bong while wearing one you made especially for him doesn’t even cause much of a row these days in the watch business. And Omega’s holiday party in Bienne must be a *blast.*

As reported by Omega seems wholly unperturbed by the incident in which Olympic gold medalist swimmer and Omega Ambassador Michael Phelps was recently photographed smoking marijuana while wearing what appears to be a diamond bezel Omega:

Omega said it was “strongly committed” to its relationship with Phelps, calling his Beijing accomplishments “among the defining sporting achievements in the history of sport.”


Posted in Omega Watches.

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The Famous 100,000 Consecutive Omega 561 Chronometers

Last weekend I had a chance to peruse another collector’s copy of “Omega: A Journey Through Time” by Marco Richon, the official factory historical reference for Omega’s vintage watches published in 2007.  Somehow I just have yet to bite the bullet and get a copy for myself.  After all, the price is not inconsiderable for a book, and it seems like each time I have some money in the watch fund it seems to wind up (hah!) going toward watch acquisitions or service/repairs instead of books.  I was still enormously impressed with the reference and resolved that I have to get myself a copy some day.  It’s a great reference with lots of photos and detail; if it has one major shortcoming might be the lack of an index to help find information in a reference material.

But in perusing through the book I came across one especially interesting item: a depiction of the letter from the Bureau de Marche (the chronometer certifying bureau that would later become the Contrôle Officiel suisse des Chronomètres or COSC) certifying the legendary series of 100,000 consecutive serial number movements that passed chronometer certification with especially good results.  This would be quite an accomplishment even today, but it was an absolutely astounding feat for its era.

After all, these were sophisticated mechanical watch movements that had been assembled without the benefit of modern precision manufacturing techniques or computer and laser-assisted tools, and then subjected to rigorous performance testing that saw many movements fail.  It’s hard to understate what a tremendous accomplishment this was.  Think of it this way: even with the benefit of modern manufacturing methods, Six Sigma quality control techniques and such, if you went and purchased 100,000 of something as simple as light bulbs do you think all 100,000 in a row would even work right out of the box?  And what if we subjected them to more detailed performance testing in a variety of temperatures and conditions?

This feat is something of a legend among Omega collectors.  The 55x/56x/75x family of Omega calibers are already renowned among collectors, considered by many vintage watch enthusiasts (myself included) to be perhaps the finest and most accomplished mass-production movements ever put into cases by any maker before or since.  The Omega Constellations and Seamaster Chronometers that used these movements were among the finest watches available at the time at any price, and they remain the object of collector attentions in the modern era for this reason.  But for all the talk about it among collectors and in previous books, I had never seen a definitive description or accounting of the 100,000.  The lack of documentation seemed almost conspicuous and prompted some “show me” skeptics to speculate that it might perhaps just be something of an apocryphal collector myth.


Posted in Omega Watches, Vintage Watches.

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Ted Su “Kevlar” Straps: Response from Seller Outstretchedhands

UPDATE: Recent testing has confirmed there is no Kevlar® content in Divestraps straps.

I never intended to pick a fight over these silly Ted McSu “Kevlar” straps with my previous posting about these things.  I was even fairly disinterested in the fracas a few months back when others were taking Outstretchedhands to task about the supposed “Kevlar”  in the straps.  When apparently identical Maratac Elite straps were released at 1/8 the cost I thought that pretty well settled the matter and I would just be able to share a bit satisfaction in reporting on the postmortem.  As I see it even still, the problems and shortcomings were fairly self-evident months previously.

I received this in my inbox from Outstretchedhands (satisfyingly routed to the junk mail folder, as it happened):

Subject: liable


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A Few of Bernie Madoff’s Favorite Things: Watches?

Photo: Reuters

Bernard L. Madoff. Photo: Reuters

Something occurred to me almost immediately when the story of Bernie Madoff’s shipping watches broke: $1M seems an awfully low figure for 16 watches that a billionaire with a penchant for watch collecting might own.  Very low, in fact, when considering that the $1M estimate also included other valuables like a diamond bracelet.

The shipment drew the attention of the prosecution as it was in violation of Madoff’s bail agreement.  Not only could transferring valuables deprive investors from the ability to recoup some of their losses from the sale of the watches and jewelry, but moving assets away could also potentially facilitate Madoff’s fleeing prosecution.  Especially when Madoff had $173M in checks against the fund’s remaining assets ready send to friends and relatives on the day he was arrested.

Madoff’s attorneys contended that the packages contained sentimental personal items and that Madoff hadn’t realized that the prohibition against transferring assets applied to personal property.  Perversely odd as it might seem that $1M worth of jewelry might be considered mere trinkets of little consequence, the judge went along with and allowed Madoff to remain free under house arrest but with an order this time to provide a listing of his valuables and allow a private security firm to conduct periodic inventories.


Posted in Uncategorized, Vintage Watches.

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